Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas Morning

This year was so wonderful! We just had a great day from start to finish! One of my favorite parts of the day was when I got to take Fritz out to the garage and suprise him with his new snowblower! He was so excited. Jordan loved her gifts,some of the things she got were, a camera, an art easel, clothes and lots of pet shop stuff. Jaimie got a new desk top computer, and clothes. We got new wii games and movies. I'm most excited about the Super Matio Bros for the wii!!! I was spoiled too, and loved my gifts. We spent the majority of the day over at Mom & Dad's house. The only thing that could have made it better was having Brad, Manike & Carolina here with us!!


Jamie said...

I am SERIOUSLY diggin' the chops on Fritz! Love you guys!